
Wymondham College, Norfolk, U.K.

Mastergold flat roof membrane has provided the optimum waterproofing solution for the urgent roof refurbishment on the sports complex at Wymondham College in Norfolk. Our U.K. distributor carried out a full condition survey and found that the original waterproofing was failing, in addition to a significant amount of standing water on the roof due to insufficient falls.They recommended stripping back the roof to the concrete deck and replacing it with a new warm roof incorporating a cut to falls tapered insulation system which would solve the problems of the standing water. Mastergold was chosen due to its suitability for warm roof refurbishment applications. The 20-year warranty was an important factor in the specification, and both roofing contractor and client were impressed with the aesthetics of the charcoal mineral finish.1200m² of Mastergold over a Rapid P Thermo-Adhesive underlay was installed.





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